Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 201


Price: 56 $

Description: stop the follicle reproduction

Pharmaceutical Form: Botanical Creams


mechanism of action:

Nafis no hair cream obstruct in partially mode the secretion of sebaceous glands which usually oil the hair follicle, symptomatically this lead to the growing of a weak and invisible hairs which we can see only via microscope.
The partially obstruction of the sebaceous glands secretions help in maintenance the growing of microscopic hairs and as a sequence avoid the complete obstruction of the skin pores which is a pathological phenomena.
This is the distinguish point between the chemical preparations which block the pores definitively, and the herbal preparation which depend controlling the self human mechanisms to eliminate the un wanted or pathological cases.


apply the cream on the target area twice daily, and after one hour wash with soap no. 301. Repeat this procedure twice daily.
If some hair appear again repeat this procedure another one day.

Useful combination:

use the soap no. 301 simultaneously for integral benefit.