Ibn AL-nafis Print


ID: 32


Price: 28 $

Description: for spontaneous and functional amnesia

Pharmaceutical Form: Herbal MEDICAL Mixtures




1. ginkgo biloba/ leaf.
2. cinnamomum aromaticm/ peels.
3. rosmarinus officinalis.
4. salvia officinalis.

This formula was adapted for supporting the memory in normal persons, spontaneous Amnesia, And structural or functional amnesia. [structural causes include damage to the brain, through trauma or disease, or use of certain drugs. Functional causes are psychological factors, such as defense mechanisms(In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defense mechanisms are unconscious resources used by the ego to reduce conflict between the id(pertaining to a long narrative poem which tells of the adventures and feats of a single hero) and superego and thereby)].

Phytochemicals and indications:

this fomula indicated for dementia and for enhancing the mental activity and the concentration.

Phytochemicals and properties:
ginkg biloba has an important effect on dementia (Harrison's / manual of medicine).
The majority of studies have demonstrated a benefit with ginkgo on cognition.
G.B. demonstrated a benefit in elderly and adults patients with mild to moderate memory impairment.

Ginkg slowed the rate of deterioration in severe dementia. due to neural loss and impaired neurotransmission, there is a decrease in oxygen and Glucose and release of free radicals and lipid peroxidation. (kleijnen& knipschild,1992).
The active ingredients in ginkgo, the flavonoids
(ginko- flavone glycosides) and terpenoids (ginkgolides and bilobalide). Probably affect the progression of dementia in several ways such as: reducing neutrophil infiltration and lipid peroxidation (otamiri&tagesson 1989), increasing blood flow (koltringer et al, 1989), antagonizing platelet- activating factor
(wada et al 1988), and changing neuron metabolism (defeudis, 1991).

Salvia officinalis potentiated memory retention and also it has an interaction with muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic systems that is involved in the memory retention process. (abstract carried out by Department of Biology, Varamin Institute, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ), also salvia officinalis: treat poor memory (PDR).

rosmarinus officinalis {the potent anti- oxidant/ abstract carried out by Ege University, Turkey, and Wageningen University Netherlands} fights free radical which damage the brain and may cause neuropsychological alteration such as dementia ..
for spontaneous and functional amnesia


middle spoon , or tea bag from the mixture to a glass of boiled water /capacity of 200 ml. ( boiled previously) then cover it for ten minutes, filter it and have it warm half an hour before the meal.
In therapy cases: 2-3 times daily.
Prophylactically: once daily.

useful combination:

Depending upon the case you can share your treatment with one of the following fomulae:
- in psychological stress use the mixture (25).
- in fatigue use the mixture (8).
- in insomnia use the mixture no. (21).


This fomula and (Herbs in general) contain some compounds with
low-molecular weight and highly lipophilic compounds easily diffuse across cell membranes to induce biological reactions which shall lead to the homeostasis.
THIS fomula contain some herbs classified among plants “generally recognized as safe (GRAS)” by the FDA. And consider as safe herbs by PDR.
These herbs had been used in the alimentary regimen for many populations all over the world hundreds or thousands years ago and still the must important source of remedy and other hitherto used.