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ID: 99


Price: 56 $

Description: For infra numeric spermatozoid

Pharmaceutical Form: Herbal MEDICAL Mixtures


- epimedium grandiflora.
- panax ginseng.
- ferula hermonis.

indications and mechanism of action:

Panax ginseng:
The saponin fraction of panax ginseng enhanced sperm motility, development, and growth, further study to evaluate the clinical significance of these results was suggested by the investigators. (chen et al, 1998).
epimedium grandiflora:
- Improves endocrine system. Improve axle: hypothalamus, pituitary, sex hormones and adrenal cortex. (Holistic treatment)
- Tonifies the yin and yang (existence of a universal balance of opposite and complementary principles (Chinese medical school).
- Ferula hermonis:
Used to cure frigidity and impotence and to stimulate and modulate the sexual behavior.

The synergetic effect of this formula achieves remarkable results in medical clinic in patients with Infra numeric spermatozoid. The results were investigated by medical labs. and physicians.


middle spoon , or tea bag from the mixture to a glass of boiled water /capacity of 200 ml. ( boiled previously) then cover it for ten minutes, filter it and have it warm half an hour before the meal, or one hour before the intercourse.
- For therapy: three time pre day.